(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to identify and describe the: (2) This Procedure must be used within a coordinating unit, school or faculty to ensure: (3) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Teaching and Learning Roles, Responsibilities and Governance Policy. (4) Consistency of role definition and governance is important for both staff and students to navigate across programs managed by different schools and faculties. (5) It is recognised that some of these roles require specialist knowledge and skills, and that appropriate induction and professional development opportunities should be considered for staff new to these roles. (6) The role of Director of Teaching and Learning is a senior academic position nominated by and reporting to the head of the coordinating unit or school. (7) Responsibilities of the Director of Teaching and Learning include but are not limited to: (8) The Faculty Integrity Officer is nominated by the Executive Dean or their delegate. (9) Responsibilities of the Faculty Integrity Officer include but are not limited to: (10) The Coordinating Unit or School Integrity Officer is a member of academic staff nominated by the head of the coordinating unit or school. (11) Responsibilities of the Coordinating Unit or School Integrity Officer include but are not limited to: (12) The Chief Examiner is a member of academic staff nominated by and reporting to the head of the coordinating unit or school. (13) Chief Examiners work with Directors of Teaching and Learning and Course Coordinators to ensure: (14) Chief Examiners are responsible for ensuring all examinations set by Course Coordinators have been checked and undertaken by a discipline peer where practicable. (15) The Program Convenor is a member of academic staff nominated by and reporting to the head of the coordinating unit or school. (16) The Program Convenor's responsibilities include but are not limited to: (17) The Plan Convenor is a member of academic staff nominated by and reporting to the head of the coordinating unit or school. (18) The Plan Convenor's responsibilities include but are not limited to: (19) The Course Coordinator is a member of academic staff nominated by and reporting to the head of the coordinating unit, school, or faculty. (20) The primary responsibility of a Course Coordinator is to oversee the design, planning, and delivery of a course in accordance with the Course Design Policy. (21) Additional responsibilities include but are not limited to: (22) In fulfilling the requirements of clauses (20) and (21), the Course Coordinator must liaise with all stakeholders including: (23) These responsibilities should be read in conjunction with the checklist of specific responsibilities for Course Coordinators as set out in the Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities Guideline. (24) A Course Contributor is usually nominated by the head of the coordinating unit, school, or faculty and usually reports to the Course Coordinator but may also report to the head of the coordinating unit, school, or faculty. (25) Course Contributor responsibilities may include but are not limited to: (26) Academic Advisors are usually members of academic staff, assigned by a faculty, coordinating unit or school, who are responsible for providing academic progress support to students. (27) Responsibilities include but are not limited to: (28) These responsibilities should be read in conjunction with the checklist of specific responsibilities for Academic Advisors as set out in the Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities Guideline. (29) The table below describes the core activities undertaken by the University’s teaching and learning committees. (30) This Procedure is reviewed by the Academic Board through the Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee every five years or as required. (31) Compliance monitoring is conducted by the head of the coordinating unit or school, the Associate Dean (Academic), and Directors of Teaching and Learning. (32) Each of the roles has monitoring, recording and reporting responsibilities as outlined in the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines below:Teaching and Learning Roles, Responsibilities and Governance Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Process and Key Controls
Section 3 - Key Requirements
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Director of Teaching and Learning
Faculty Integrity Officer
Coordinating Unit or School Integrity Officer
Chief Examiner
Program Convenor
Plan Convenor
Course Coordinator
Course Contributor
Academic Advisor
Section 5 - Governance
Top of Page
Committee (level)
Committee for Academic Programs Policy (CAPP) (University)
Consider and advice the academic board on matters of academic significance, such as program requirements and policy relating to admission, enrolment and progression (excluding Postgraduate Research Awards).
Maintain oversight of the academic program approval process and ensure program proposals are conducted in accordance with the following policies and associated procedures:
•Program Design Policy
•Course Design Policy, and
•Shorter Form Credentials Policy
Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC) (University)
Advice and maker recommendations to the Academic Board and/or other University bodies or officers as appropriate on matters realitng to:
•teaching, learning and assessment
•student experience, and
•teaching and learning awards.
Board of Studies (Faculty)
Provide strategic advice to the Executive Dean of the faculty relating to the development and performance of existing and new undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs administered by the faculty.
Section 6 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 7 - Recording and Reporting
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