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Honorary and Adjunct Title Holders Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives

(1) The University of Queensland encourages the conferral of Honorary and Adjunct titles for suitably qualified persons, as a means of engagement and of optimising significant links with the external community.

(2) This Policy outlines the conditions of conferral of Honorary and Adjunct titles.

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Section 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Term Definition
Authorised Officer The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules.
‘Adjunct’ Title Title conferred on a person of distinction and standing through industry, government, professions or wider community.
Head Head of School or equivalent level.
’Honorary’ Title Title conferred on a person of academic distinction and standing.
Title Holder Person on whom the University has bestowed an Honorary or Adjunct title.
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Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage

(3) This Policy applies to the conferral of Honorary and Adjunct titles.

(4) Mater Medical Research Institute (MMRI) staff members at Associate Professor (Academic Level D) who seek an Honorary Professorial title at The University of Queensland are not covered by this Policy and should refer to the Confirmation and Promotions (Academic Staff) Policy.

(5) This Policy does not apply to Conjoint appointments, Academic Titles for Health ProfessionalsEmeritus Professors or Affiliate appointments.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(6) The suitability of a person proposed for an Honorary title is measured against academic standards and would usually apply to someone who is a staff member of an academic institution, such as a university, or a research organisation. “Honorary Professor” would usually apply in the case of a Professor or an Emeritus Professor of another university.

(7) The suitability of a person proposed for conferral of an Adjunct title is not measured against academic standards. The University may confer an ‘Adjunct’ title on a person of distinction and standing appropriate to the level from industry, Australian government, professions (other than academic) or wider community.

(8) Honorary and Adjunct titles include the titles listed below:

Where the Title Holder’s University role focuses on teaching and/or service and engagement they will be awarded the title of Honorary or Adjunct: Where the Title Holder’s University role focuses on research they will be awarded the title of Honorary or Adjunct: Indicative University equivalent Level
Professor Professor Level E
Associate Professor Associate Professor Level D
Senior Lecturer Senior Fellow Level C
Lecturer Fellow Level B
Associate Lecturer Fellow Level A

(9) An Honorary or Adjunct Title Holder may simultaneously hold a position in the private sector, the non-governmental sector, or a post in the Australian system of government (including States, Territories, and the Commonwealth Government).

(10) A key consideration is whether the standing of the person is commensurate with the role expected of them in the University and whether the conferral of a title will be of manifest advantage to the University in fulfilling its mission and goals to teaching, research and/or community engagement.

(11) Individuals who are currently serving as foreign government officials will not be eligible for appointment to honorary or adjunct positions.

(12) Nothing in this Policy gives rise to an employment relationship between the Title Holder and the University.

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Section 5 - Conditions

Period of Conferral of Title

(13) Conferral and renewal of a title will be for a maximum of three years. The title will lapse unless a case for renewal is made and approved. There is no limit on the number of times a title may be renewed.


(14) Title Holders are affiliated with one or more University organisational units and should be listed on the relevant organisational unit’s website and other appropriate publications.

(15) In all documentation, including communications and salutations, the full title will be used, for example “Adjunct Professor __”.

Withdrawal of Title

(16) A title may be withdrawn at any time if the Authorised Officer considers that continuation is not in the best interests of the University. The Title Holder will be informed of the withdrawal of the title in writing. There is no appeal process to a decision of the Authorised Officer.

General Conditions

(17) Title Holders will contribute to the work of the organisational unit in a voluntary capacity in such ways as are agreed with the relevant Executive Dean or Institute Director, in consultation with the relevant Head of School. Such contributions must be in accordance with the University’s protocols, policies and procedures (particularly those policies and procedures relating to workplace health and safety, ethical conduct in the workplace, and the Intellectual Property Policy and Intellectual Property Procedure

(18) Benefits to which Title Holders are entitled include:

  1. use of facilities and resources of the unit as appropriate by arrangement with the Head of School;
  2. appointment to Higher Degree by Research student supervisory or advisory roles, subject to normal approval processes;
  3. use of the University libraries; and
  4. access to research or teaching support and resources as negotiated with the Head of School.

(19) It is expected that, where appropriate, Title Holders will list UQ as an affiliation in the by-lines of publications, in addition to their primary affiliation. In cases where any UQ expertise, resources, facilities or services (including library access) have been used in the research, inclusion of the UQ affiliation in the by-line is required.

(20) Title Holders are not eligible for membership of the Academic Board. Eligibility for membership of other University committees or boards will be considered by the relevant Head of School or Executive Dean or Institute Director as appropriate.

(21) Title Holders are protected as volunteers for liability arising whilst undertaking activities for or on behalf of the University or an affiliate. Title Holders are covered under the University’s Liability Protections including, General and Products Liability, Professional Liability, Malpractice and General Clinical Trials.

(22) As Title Holders receive no remuneration from the University they are not covered by the University’s worker’s compensation insurance. Title Holders have limited personal accident insurance.