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Coursework Admission and Enrolment Policy

This is not the document currently in effect. To view the current approved version, refer to the Current Version tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy outlines the requirements for admission and enrolment at the University, consistent with its compliance obligations under relevant state and federal legislation.

(2) This Policy applies to all:

  1. undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs and courses and non-award study;
  2. staff involved in academic and student administration;
  3. coursework students; and
  4. coursework applicants seeking to be admitted to study at the University.

(3) For shorter form credentials, refer to Shorter Form Credentials Policy.

(4) For Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programs, refer to Higher Degree by Research Candidate policies (in associated information).

(5) For professional doctorate programs, refer to Professional Doctorates Policy.

(6) For higher doctorate programs, refer to Higher Doctorates Policy.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

(7) Admission requirements for programs of study offered by the University are designed to:

  1. ensure that admitted students have the academic preparation, and proficiency in English, needed to participate in their intended studies;
  2. be compliant under relevant state and federal legislation;
  3. be transparent and published in a format that is accessible by current and prospective students; and
  4. be applied fairly and consistently.

(8) Decisions about whether to admit and/or enrol a person are based on the person's academic merit and the availability of the resources required for the person to undertake the program or course. The University may set conditions on a person’s admission and/or enrolment.

(9) All students enrolled at the University must:

  1. comply with all:
    1. policies and procedures applicable to students,
    2. conditions placed on their admission and/or enrolment, and
    3. requirements specified for their program of study;
  2. pay all relevant fees by the specified due date (as set out in the Student Fees Policy);
  3. maintain a level of academic progress in their studies satisfactory to the University (in conjunction with Academic Progression Procedure); and
  4. for international students on a visa, comply with the conditions of their visa.

(10) International students on a student visa (or with a current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)) who request a release from UQ prior to the completion of six months of their principal program will be assessed in accordance with the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (the National Code) and the key requirements set out in the Transfer of Provider – Overseas Students Procedure. The six months is counted from the date the student commenced their principal program and does not include breaks from study due to deferment or suspension.

(11) The University can refuse admission or withdraw an offer of a place of any applicant who:

  1. does not perform to the University's satisfaction in a specified entry requirement such as an interview, test or written statement;
  2. fails to:
    1. qualify for admission to the relevant program and/or meet all conditions of their offer, or
    2. comply with the provisions of a program requirement, or
    3. provide complete and accurate information relevant to their admission and/or enrolment;
  3. if an international applicant, is identified as not being a 'Genuine Temporary Entrant' as defined by the Department of Home Affairs;
  4. has been suspended or expelled from the University; or
  5. as a student enrolled at another tertiary institution, has had their enrolment refused or cancelled by that tertiary institution.
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Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

(12) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for approving entry requirements and program requirements for new programs (in conjunction with Program Approval Procedure).

(13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)is responsible for:

  1. amendments to entry requirements and program requirements for existing programs (in conjunction with the Program Approval Procedure).
  2. approving admission schemes (in conjunction with Program Approval Procedure).

(14) The Faculties are responsible for reviewing entry requirements and program requirements, and entry scores and selection ranks used for the allocation of offers for select programs, in accordance with the Academic Program Review Procedure or as otherwise required. The Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's sub-delegate is responsible for approving entry scores and selection ranks used for the allocation of offers for select programs.

(15) The Academic Registrar is responsible for:

  1. issuing offers for places;
  2. the University’s coursework admission and enrolment processes; and
  3. the University’s Program and Course Catalogues.

(16) The academic roles and accountabilities associated with entry requirements and program requirements are specified in Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities Policy

(17) Applications for deferment may be approved by the Academic Registrar or authorised delegates:

  1. For international applicants: Director, International Admissions
  2. For domestic applicants: Senior Manager, Domestic Admissions; Deputy Director and Associate Directors in Academic Services Division; Executive Dean and Associate Dean (Academic) of the relevant Faculty.
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Section 4 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(18) Compliance with this Policy is overseen by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), and the Committee for Academic Programs Policy and its constituent sub-committees.

(19) The Academic Registrar will review this Policy as required.

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Section 5 - Recording and Reporting

(20) In addition to the requirements of the Information Management Policy:

  1. Details of programs and courses are recorded in the University’s Program and Course Catalogues. Details of non-award study are maintained by the relevant faculty; and
  2. The records concerning a person’s admission, enrolment and progression including University decisions are filed in the applicant's or student’s record in SI-net, the CRM system and/or TRIM.
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Section 6 - Appendix

Definitions, Terms, Acronyms

Term  Definition
Admission or admit  The result of assessment and selection of a person to undertake studies at the University.
Applicant A person applying for admission to a program or non-award study.
Associate Dean (Academic)
The relevant Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the coursework program, or in the instance of non-award students, the Associate Dean (Academic) of the faculty administering the course.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) The national qualifications framework available at
Course A distinct unit of study within a program, for which a grade is given. Each course is identified by its alphanumeric code, a title and a fixed unit value.
CRM The University’s Customer Relationship Management system.
Domestic applicant/student
An applicant/student who is:

 a. an Australian citizen or dual citizen of Australia; or

 b. a New Zealand citizen; or

 c. the holder of a permanent visa for Australia or a humanitarian visa.
Enrolment or enrol The process of registering a student or applicant in SI-net to undertake study in a program or course. Enrolment may be subject to conditions placed under a policy, procedure or program requirement.
Executive Dean
The Executive Dean of the faculty administering the program, or in the instance of non-award study, the Executive Dean of the faculty administering the course. For the purpose of this Policy and associated procedures, the definition of Executive Dean includes the Dean, Graduate School.
Expulsion A student is expelled from the University and is prohibited from enrolling in any courses or programs at the University.
International applicant/student An applicant/student who is not a domestic applicant/student; also called an overseas applicant/student.
Non-award study Where a person is enrolled to study one or more courses without being admitted to a program which leads to an award of the University.
Place A place in a program
Program A sequence of study leading to the award of a qualification such as an undergraduate degree or diploma, and/or a postgraduate coursework qualification.
Program requirements For the purposes of this Policy, program requirements means the program structure (e.g., types and sizes of building blocks used), the courses to be taken to complete the program and any specific conditions of the program set out in the additional rules, including enrolment and progression requirements.
QTAC Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.
Selection rank The admission score assigned to an applicant in accordance with Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 in Undergraduate, Doctor of Medicine, Non-Award and CSP Admissions Procedure.
Student For the purpose of this Policy, means a person enrolled as a student at the University or undertaking courses, non-award study or programs at the University.
Student visa A student visa (such as subclass 500 or equivalent) which is a temporary visa that allows an international student to stay in Australia to study full-time in a recognised education institution.
Suspend or Suspended Means suspended from entering the University’s land, sites or part of the land or sites or engaging in an activity as a student of the University under a University policy or procedure applicable to students.
TRIM The University’s electronic document and records management system.

Related Policies and Procedures

(21) Undergraduate, Doctor of Medicine, Non-Award and CSP Admissions Procedure

(22) Postgraduate Coursework Admissions Procedure

(23) Enrolment Procedure

(24) Academic Progression Procedure

(25) Electronic Documents Submitted by Students Procedure

(26) Transfer of Provider – Overseas Students Procedure

(27) Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities - Policy

(28) Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities - Guidelines

(29) Program Approval Procedure

(30) Student Grievance Resolution Policy

(31) Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Relevant Legislation and Information

(32) Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)

(33) Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth)

(34) Higher Education Quality Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 

(35) Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth)

(36) National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

(37) Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth)

(38) Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011

(39) Department of Home Affairs

(40) Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)

(41) Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)