(1) This Procedure describes the admission process for all higher degree by research (HDR) programs at The University of Queensland (UQ or the University), including the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Professional Doctorate programs. (2) A HDR program requires candidates to carry out and publish original research in order to progress towards becoming an independent researcher. For these reasons admission into HDR programs involve criteria that are different from those used to determine entry into an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program. (3) In addition to program entry requirements, the Dean, Graduate School may approve an application provided criteria are met that ensure the admission of candidates only where there is an appropriate fit between the applicant, research environment, available resources and supervision. (4) Approval of admission to the HDR program should be consistent with the intention of the Research Training Program, which is to support high quality research training and help to develop the next generation of researchers for Australia. (5) When interacting with applicants, University staff should be mindful of the University's Staff Code of Conduct Policy. (6) All HDR admissions must be conducted in accordance with the principles and requirements described in the Admission Policy and those described in this Procedure. (7) The Dean, Graduate School may approve an application for a program provided that: (8) Applicants must be proficient in written and spoken English. All applicants must satisfy the English language proficiency requirement for the program in which the applicant seeks to enrol prior to an unconditional offer being made. The English Language Proficiency Admission Procedure, which applies to both international and domestic applicants, sets out the criteria that applicants must satisfy to meet the University’s English language proficiency requirement. (9) Some disciplines may have higher than minimum requirements. Some aspects of a program, such as a clinical placement, may also have higher than minimum requirements. (10) The applicant should initiate the admission process by nominating a potential advisor via the official UQ applications system with an initial expression of interest. (11) The proposed advisor will either accept or deny the initial expression of interest. (12) In the case that the expression of interest is accepted, the proposed advisory team and/or Head of Enrolling AOU will: (13) An application for admission is submitted using the University’s online application system. (14) If the enrolling AOU has the appropriate academic expertise, facilities, funding and resources to support the applicant in their proposed research project the Head of Enrolling AOU may recommend the applicant to the Dean. (15) The Graduate School will assess the application against admission criteria in order to determine whether the application will progress. (16) If applicable, the Graduate School will seek advice from UQ Research Ethics and Integrity and the Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade if a potential area of concern is identified through the Sanctions Compliance Assessment Form. (17) If an application will not proceed any further, the applicant will be given that advice and the reasons for that decision in writing. (18) A successful applicant will be issued a letter of offer. (19) Conditional offers may be issued for applicants seeking external funding. (20) An unconditional offer of admission will only be provided once funding arrangements are in place. (21) Minimum program entry requirements are not necessarily sufficient for consideration of admission to a HDR program. Meeting the requirements does not guarantee acceptance and the following must also be considered: (22) The applicant’s degree and/or professional experience must be in an area that is relevant to the intended HDR program. (23) The applicant’s degree and/or professional experience must demonstrate that the applicant’s knowledge of the discipline is current and have been undertaken in the ten years immediately prior to intended entry to the HDR program. (24) Applicants must meet one or more of the following requirements: (25) Research experience requirements may be met by one of the following: (26) Applicants must meet one of more of the following requirements: (27) Research experience requirements may be met by one of the following: (28) Applicants must have the support of an advisory team and an enrolling unit, with a project that is strategically aligned with the research priorities of the discipline. (29) Merit-based selection for a HDR program requires a selection rank or Grade Point Average (GPA) for admission. The applicant must provide official academic transcripts as evidence of their previous studies for a GPA to be determined. (30) Merit-based selection will be managed by scheduled application and offer rounds. (31) The University sets the number of scholarship supported places annually, with caps on domestic and international places. (32) Scholarships are awarded to eligible applicants following a Scholarship Selection Committee process. (33) Eligible domestic applicants may be awarded an RTP Tuition Fee Offset Scholarship only without the need for Scholarship Selection Committee review. (34) International applicants cannot hold a Tuition Fee Offset Scholarship without a Living Stipend Scholarship. (35) On approving admission, the Dean will issue a letter of offer outlining: (36) If applicable, the Dean will issue a letter of offer for scholarship or scholarships at the same time as the letter of offer for admission. (37) The Dean may set conditions on the enrolment of candidates, such as satisfactory completion of coursework. (38) The Dean may approve admission to an alternative program if the applicant’s academic background and research experience is more suited to a different level of entry. (39) An applicant who has been refused enrolment at another institution due to academic or non-academic reasons may be refused admission. (40) The Dean may withdraw a letter of offer if it is found or suspected that the applicant has provided false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate information in their application. (41) The Dean may withdraw a letter of offer if it has been issued in error. (42) In the event the Dean withdraws an offer, the applicant will be notified in writing. (43) A successful applicant may request to defer their offer of admission to the HDR program for up to 12 months. (44) Requests to defer offers of scholarships will be considered but different timeframes may apply. (45) Enrolment is in research quarters and commencement in a research quarter is fixed to a specific period, as noted within the letter of offer. Official commencement will be recorded as the first day of the relevant research quarter. (46) An applicant may apply to enrol full-time or part-time with the approval of the Dean, Head of Enrolling AOU and advisory team. (47) In addition to 45(a), a full-time candidate may undertake limited employment. The Head of Enrolling AOU and advisory team must be satisfied that the candidate’s progress will not be impeded. (48) A candidate is expected to be located at UQ, or other location approved by the Graduate School, for their research and study, unless approved as remote. (49) An applicant may apply to enrol on an approved concurrent enrolment program with the approval of the Dean, Head of Enrolling AOU and advisory team. (50) The duration of the PhD program is a minimum of 3 years and a maximum 4 years, FTE. The duration of the MPhil program is a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years, FTE. (51) The HDR program is CRICOS registered for 4 years PhD, 2 years MPhil, FTE. (52) The duration of a part-time program is double the full-time equivalent. (53) The HDR project must be scoped appropriately within the program duration outlined in clause 51. (54) An applicant may apply for admission with a shortened program duration with the approval of the Dean, Head of Enrolling AOU and advisory team, on the basis of work that: (55) The Dean must consider a report from the Head of Enrolling AOU and/or advisory team containing: (56) The total program duration should not exceed 4 years PhD, 2 years MPhil, FTE, including previous periods of enrolment at the University (readmission) or another institution(s) (transfer). (57) Applications for transfer to the University from another institution should occur before Progress Review 2, or equivalent. (58) The candidate is required to undertake at least one third of the work required to produce the thesis at the University. (59) The Student Grievance Resolution Policy sets out the grievance resolution process to be followed for all matters relating to admission to the HDR programs. Formal grievances and appeals by HDR applicants regarding decisions made during selection for admission therefore follow the processes outlined in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure and the Academic Administrative Appeals by Students Policy and Procedure. (60) The Dean, Graduate School approves admission to all HDR Programs at UQ. Delegation may be given to the Deputy Dean when required. (61) The DHDR makes an assessment of the HDR applicant quality, project viability and resourcing, and supervision and recommends an applicant to the Dean for admission on behalf of the Head of the Academic Organisation Unit (AOU). (62) Principal Advisors are approved UQ staff members that take primary academic responsibility for the candidate during their candidature. (63) The detailed academic role, accountabilities and eligibility for Principal Advisors are specified in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Policy. (64) Advisors are suitably qualified persons who provide expertise related to the candidate’s research and are available to provide advice throughout candidature. (65) The detailed academic role, accountabilities and eligibility for advisors are specified in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Policy. The responsibilities and accountabilities should be stated in simple, easy to understand terms and be action oriented (i.e. what needs to be done and who needs to do it). (66) Review of, and compliance with, this Procedure is overseen by the Dean, Graduate School and the University Higher Degree by Research Committee. (67) All applications must be lodged by the official UQ Application system. (68) All student applications and University decisions are filed in the student’s personal record in UQ’s digital student record system.Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Key Controls
Section 3 - Process and Key Requirements
Part A - Admissions Criteria
Part B - English Language Proficiency
Part C - Application Process
Part D - Minimum Requirements for Consideration for Entry
Doctor of Philosophy
Eligibility requirements
Relevant Research Experience
Master of Philosophy
Eligibility Requirements
Relevant Experience
Part E - Selection
Scholarship Supported Places
Part F - Offers
Part G - Deferral of offer
Part H - Enrolment Status
Part I - Duration of Program
Shortened Duration
Part J - Grievances and Complaints
Section 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Dean, Graduate School
Director, HDR
Principal Advisors
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
Section 6 - Recording and Reporting
Section 7 - Appendix
Definitions, terms, and acronyms
suitably qualified person who provides expertise related to the candidate’s research and is available to provide advice throughout candidature.
an Academic Organisational Unit that directly enrols HDR candidates.
Dean, Graduate School or delegate.
Director HDR, appointed by the Head of the AOU.
Full-Time Equivalent.
Higher Degree by Research comprising MPhil, PhD and PDR.
Master of Philosophy.
Professional Doctorate by Research.
Doctor of Philosophy.
Principal Advisor
approved UQ staff member who takes primary academic responsibility for the candidate during their candidature with their role and eligibility outlined in the Eligibility and Role of Higher Degree by Research Advisors Policy.
the material outcomes of a sustained program of supervised research undertaken by a candidate whilst enrolled in an HDR program.
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