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Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure enacts the Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Policy (“the Policy”) and outlines The University of Queensland (UQ) processes for establishing and managing these work-related learning opportunities.

(2) This Procedure does not apply to student volunteering. See the Volunteers Policy.

(3) Defined terms used in this Procedure are set out in Section 7 of the Policy.

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Section 2 - Process and Key Controls

(4) This Procedure relates to the implementation of the WIL and Work Experience Policy, and the systematic application of practices for identifying, planning, assessing / evaluating, monitoring, and reviewing WIL and Work Experience opportunities.

(5) Key controls include:

  1. Establishment of work-related learning experiences through WIL and Work Experience opportunities;
  2. WIL and Work Experience expectations, including legislative compliance (such as OH&S Unit, risk management etc);
  3. WIL and Work Experience management (recording and reporting systems, induction, incident reports, travel management, evaluations etc.); and
  4. Monitoring and review, including regular reporting of recommendations for improvement.
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Section 3 - Key Requirements

Establishment of Opportunity

(6) WIL and Work Experience opportunities can be identified by UQ directly with a Host Organisation, through a third-party provider, or self-identified by a student. When a potential opportunity is identified an initial assessment can be undertaken using the Host Organisation: Expression of Interest form or alternative process approved by the Director, Student Enrichment and Success.

Engagement with Host Organisation

(7) UQ should undertake an assessment of the suitability of the Host Organisation or Third-Party Provider, which can be undertaken using the Host Organisation: Questionnaire or an alternative process approved by the Director, Student Enrichment and Success. This assessment should be undertaken on the first occasion that an opportunity is identified with a Host Organisation or through a Third-Party Provider, and thereafter as considered necessary by UQ.

(8) Faculty/School staff with delegated responsibility for WIL and Work Experience management are responsible for informing Host Organisations of the learning outcomes, including the attendance requirements, of the WIL or Work Experience opportunity.


(9) Maintaining effective communication between students, the Host Organisation, any relevant Third-Party Provider and UQ is essential. Any parties experiencing difficulties must raise these with the other party/parties as a priority so that they can be resolved in a timely and effective manner.


(10) Students should be appropriately and adequately insured while undertaking a WIL or Work Experience opportunity with a Host Organisation (for further information on insurances, see Insurance Coverage and Management of Claims Procedure).

(11) UQ provides all students undertaking WIL or Work Experience with personal accident, professional liability, public liability, WorkCover work experience and (where relevant) medical malpractice and travel insurance (subject to the specific terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of the insurance policies).

(12) Coverage is subject to the following key conditions being met:

  1. the student has obtained written approval from UQ prior to the commencement of the opportunity in accordance with the relevant approval processes;
  2. the student is not employed by the Host Organisation and the student does not receive remuneration from the Host Organisation; and
  3. the opportunity is a work-related learning opportunity which is either WIL or Work Experience.

(13) Wherever a student receives remuneration for work undertaken, this is likely to constitute an Employment Relationship for which the student will not be covered by the UQ’s insurance policies.


(14) UQ, Host Organisations, Third-Party Providers and student participants are expected to comply with all relevant legislation. Proof of compliance, where required, will be recorded through WIL and Work Experience management systems and verified by appropriately trained staff.

(15) Certain WIL or Work Experience opportunities may require that students adhere to Host Organisation-specific requirements. These requirements may include but are not limited to:

  1. Vaccinations and Immunisation Procedure;
  2. Blue Card, to comply with Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (see Working with Children Policy);
  3. White Card, to comply with Part 6.5, Division 1, Section 317 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011;
  4. Yellow Identification Card, to comply with Corrective Services Act 2006 (Qld);
  5. Disability Worker Screening, to comply with Disability Services Act 2006 (Qld);
  6. Clear National Criminal History Check for any placement where the host requires this to be undertaken; or
  7. Informing UQ of a change in their criminal history.

(16) If a student undertakes travel in relation to their work-related learning opportunity, they must:

  1. adhere to the Travel Policy as it relates to their activity, and
  2. comply with any laws and regulations applicable to their WIL or Work Experience opportunity in the relevant jurisdiction.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

(17) UQ will take steps to ensure that the Host Organisation and any relevant Third-Party Provider has appropriate OHS risk management systems and strategies in place. UQ’s standard agreement for WIL and/or Work Experience outlines the obligations and expectations of the Host Organisation.

(18) The student is responsible for immediately notifying their Supervisor (UQ and/or Host) if they have any concerns regarding health and safety compliance, or in the instance of an incident, injury or illness.

(19) The Supervisor (UQ) and student are responsible for ensuring that an online Injury, Illness, and Incident Report is lodged as soon as possible and in accordance with Health and Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure.

(20) UQ's Health, Safety and Wellness Division (HSW Division) is available to provide guidance where specialist knowledge is required to manage risk assessments, incidents, injuries or illnesses involving the student in relation to their WIL or Work Experience opportunity.

Agreements with Host Organisations

(21) The Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Policy and this Procedure do not limit or restrict any of the Host Organisation’s obligations under any agreement with UQ.

Work Integrated Learning:

(22) If the proposed Host Organisation satisfies criteria outlined in the Host Organisation: Questionnaire, or through a process approved by Director, Student Enrichment and Success, then an agreement should be entered into between UQ and the Host Organisation prior to the commencement of the WIL opportunity. Ideally, the agreement will be UQ’s standard agreement for WIL and/or Work Experience.

(23) Refer to UQ’s Delegations Policy and Schedules of Delegation and Sub-Delegation regarding who is authorised to sign such agreements.

Work Experience:

(24) If the proposed Host Organisation satisfies the criteria outlined in the Host Organisation: Questionnaire, then an ‘Unpaid Work Experience Registration Form’ (from the Unpaid Work Experience website) should be authorised by UQ and executed by the student and the Host Organisation

Agreements with Third-Party Providers

(25) If the proposed Third-Party Provider satisfies criteria outlined in the Host Organisation: Questionnaire, then an agreement should be entered into between UQ and the Third-Party Provider. Ideally, the agreement will be UQ’s standard agreement for Third-Party Providers.

WIL and Work Experience Management

(26) All WIL and Work Experience opportunities should be managed through UQ’s WIL and Work Experience management system.

Preparation for WIL and Work Experience

(27) UQ will take steps to inform students of the following before commencing a WIL or Work Experience opportunity:

  1. In the case of WIL:
    1. learning objectives, including outcomes, assessment, and attendance requirements;
    2. circumstances under which a student may be considered to have failed an assessment;
    3. how to arrange reasonable adjustments;
    4. any applicable obligations relating to confidentiality;
    5. circumstances under which WIL, Work Experience or project may be terminated by any party;
    6. contact details should the student have any concerns; and
    7. relevant policies and procedures.
  2. In the case of Work Experience:
    1. learning objectives and attendance requirements;
    2. circumstances under which a WIL, Work Experience or project may be terminated;
    3. any applicable obligations relating to confidentiality;
    4. contact details should the student have any concerns; and
    5. relevant policies and procedures.


(28) Students should receive appropriate supervision. UQ will provide relevant academic supervision. The Host Organisation will provide supervision appropriate for the occupational health and safety risks associated with the WIL or Work Experience opportunity and provide meaningful and appropriate learning experiences.

(29) The relevant School or Faculty, or Dean, Graduate School for HDR students, will ensure that the Supervisor (Host) is adequately briefed regarding requirements and expectations, including access to relevant policy documentation. Where Supervisors (Host) will be involved in the assessment of performance, they must be briefed on academic assessment standards and procedures that apply to the specific assessment type. Supervisors (Academic) are responsible for ensuring that the assessment is undertaken in accordance with the Assessment Policy and Procedure and must provide marking criteria or marking rubric to the Supervisor (Host).

(30) Supervisors (Host and/or Academic) are expected to conduct regular feedback sessions with the student, including written feedback to the student addressing relevant criteria, and alert UQ as soon as possible should a student's performance be unsatisfactory.

(31) Supervisors (Academic and/or Host) must ensure that communication mechanisms are available to students at all times while undertaking WIL or Work Experience opportunities, in particular as regards:

  1. the quality of the experience;
  2. the student’s progress; and
  3. potential or actual issues.


(32) Assessment of WIL learning outcomes must be conducted by the Supervisor (UQ) or by the Supervisor (UQ) in conjunction with the Supervisor (Host). UQ must appropriately brief the Host Organisation regarding the needs of students and the criteria and standards for assessment.

(33) Associated policies and procedures include:

  1. Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure; and
  2. Examinations Procedure.

Resources and Facilities

(34) It is the responsibility of Host Organisations to provide students with the appropriate infrastructure and/or resources to carry out their WIL or Work Experience opportunity. Students are to be advised in advance of any program or course related incidental fees as set out in the Student Fees Policy and Incidental Student Fees and Charges Procedure (or in the case of shorter form credentials the Shorter Form Credentials Admission, Enrolment, Fees and Assessment Procedure).

Reasonable Adjustments

(35) Students are responsible for notifying UQ if they require any reasonable adjustments to participate in learning activities and assessments, including WIL or Work Experience opportunities. UQ will make arrangements with the Host Organisation where appropriate to accommodate reasonable adjustments that have been agreed between UQ and the student. Students must advise their Supervisor (UQ and/or Host) immediately if they encounter any difficulties with the continuation of their WIL or Work Experience opportunity.

(36) Associated policies and procedures include:

  1. Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and supporting Procedure.

Student Integrity, Misconduct, and Fitness to Practise

(37) All members of the UQ Community share responsibility for maintaining the academic standing of UQ. As such, students have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their work and ensure they appropriately acknowledge the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of others.

(38) If a student’s conduct while engaged in WIL or Work Experience is alleged to be contrary to relevant UQ policy, procedures or agreements, the student may be removed from the Host Organisation while a preliminary investigation is conducted.

(39) Where the Host Organisation considers that action (including disciplinary action) against one or more students undertaking WIL or Work Experience should be taken, or where the Host Organisation wishes to exclude a student based on the application of the Host Organisation’s policies and procedures, the Host Organisation will as soon as is practicable, notify UQ of:

  1. the name or names of the student(s); and
  2. the grounds upon which it considers disciplinary action should be taken.

(40) Upon receipt of such a notice, the matter will then be the responsibility of UQ.

(41) Any concerns regarding fitness to practise must adhere to the relevant policy.

(42) Students who wish to lodge a grievance or appeal a decision with respect to issues that may arise while undertaking WIL or Work Experience are advised to consult the relevant policy.

(43) Associated policies and procedures include:

  1. Student Code of Conduct Policy.
  2. Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure.
  3. Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure.
  4. Supporting Students' Fitness to Study Policy and Procedure.
  5. Managing Complaints about the Conduct of Research - Higher Degree by Research Candidates Procedure.
  6. Higher Degree by Research Candidature Charter Policy.

Privacy and Information Disclosure

(44) UQ is required to comply with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). All student participants will adhere to Privacy Management Policy, particularly with respect to the personal details of other students.

(45) UQ may disclose relevant personal information of the student to Host Organisations or Third-Party Providers in the following circumstances:

  1. to enable the Host Organisation or Third-Party Provider to adequately support the student while undertaking a WIL or Work Experience opportunity; for example, information may be disclosed about student performance or conduct while undertaking a previous WIL or Work Experience opportunity;
  2. to enable compliance with any agreements with the Host Organisation or Third-Party Provider; and
  3. to comply with relevant State or Commonwealth laws, for example, the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld).

Intellectual Property

(46) For any issue relating to intellectual property, please refer to the Intellectual Property Policy.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Approves and has overall responsibility for the Policy and this Procedure
Executive Deans / Dean, Graduate School • Overall responsibility for provision of work-related learning opportunities.
• Designates responsibility for oversight of WIL or Work Experience opportunities in the Faculty / Graduate School.
• Ensures, as far as reasonably practicable, that all staff involved with management of WIL or Work Experience. opportunities understand their roles and responsibilities
• Ensures, as far as reasonably practicable, students are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
• Responsibility for determining the adequacy and quality of placement providers.
Associate Deans (Academic) / Dean, Graduate School • Overall responsibility for the academic integrity of WIL or Work Experience opportunities, including quality assurance of academic supervision and assessment.
Director, Student Enrichment and Success • Overall responsibility for implementation of the Policy and this Procedure, including reviews and provision of recommendations for improvements, where necessary.
• Responsible for collaborative development of new WIL and Work Experience opportunities in partnership with Faculties, the Graduate School, and Central Divisions to ensure compliance and consistency, and mindful of external relationship management requirements.
Academic Services Division / Graduate School • Overall responsibility for the academic integrity of WIL or Work Experience opportunities, including quality assurance of academic supervision and assessment.
Supervisor (UQ) [including Course Coordinators, Clinical Facilitators, and Preceptors] / Principal Advisor for HDR students • Monitors and assesses student progress, providing appropriate communication and support to students.
• Provides guidance to the Host Organisation and / or student regarding mentoring of student activity and learning within the workplace context.
• Participates in student assessment supplying feedback on student performance, where required.
• Consults with the Host Organisation regarding any issues or barriers to the student’s performance.
• Evaluates the quality of WIL or Work Experience opportunities and reports issues and incidents in line with UQ’s policies and procedures.
Faculty/School/Graduate School staff with delegated responsibility for WIL and/or Work Experience management • Has oversight of compliance.
• Ensures, as far as reasonably practicable, that relevant documentation is in place for each student WIL or Work Experience opportunity managed by the Faculty.
• Assists with the evaluation of the quality of WIL or Work Experience opportunities and ensures that any issue or incident that they are made aware of are appropriately reported in line with UQ's policies and procedures.
Student • Ensures they are both conversant and compliant with all appropriate UQ and workplace policies and procedures.
• Ensures that relevant documentation is completed within expected timeframes for their WIL or Work Experience opportunity(ies).
• Engages professionally with Supervisors(Host and UQ), workplace contexts, and available learning opportunities.
• Seeks advice regarding the disclosure of any personal circumstances, disability, injury, or health condition that may impact their safety, the safety of others or the successful completion of the WIL or Work Experience opportunity.
• Reports any incidents, including WHS, to both the Host Organisation and UQ as necessary for insurance purposes.
• Consults with UQ regarding any issues or barriers to performance during the WIL or Work Experience opportunity.
Host Organisation • Adheres to UQ’s standard agreement for WIL and/or Work Experience, or equivalent agreement, relating to student engagement in work-related learning.

(47) Associated policies and procedures include:

  1. Delegations Policy.
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Section 5 - Quality Assurance

(48) UQ appraises the quality of coursework offerings and undertakes regular reviews as part of a quality assurance framework. UQ ensures the systematic and regular review of curriculum, teaching, coursework quality, and risk through the Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Policy and Academic Program Review Procedure processes. WIL undertaken as part of a coursework study at UQ will be subject to these processes of quality assurance, which align with the TEQSA Risk Assessment Framework and should be considered within the TEQSA Guidance Note: Work Integrated Learning.

(49) Associated policies and procedures include:

  1. Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Policy;
  2. Annual Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Procedure; and
  3. Academic Program Review Procedure.
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Section 6 - Recording and Reporting

(50) All relevant details regarding WIL or Work Experience opportunities authorised by UQ should be recorded in the WIL and Work Experience management system.

(51) Accurate records on student engagement with Host Organisations, including student locations, should also be kept to facilitate internal and external reporting. This is especially important for global WIL, global Work Experience opportunities, and management of global incidents.

(52) Reports (including regular and incident reports) will be generated through the WIL and Work Experience management system to manage risk, compliance, and assure the quality of the student experience.

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Section 7 - Appendix

Support for Students

(53) If there is an immediate risk or threat to a student, then UQ Security can be contacted on (07) 336 53333 (24 hours). UQ Security will triage all communication to ensure that the most appropriate person deals with the matter.

(54) If there is a potential risk or threat to a student or a need to refer a student for treatment, recovery or preventative advice, then Student Support and Wellbeing Services can be contacted on (07) 336 51704 (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm).

Additional Information and Resources

(55) Additional information and resources include:

  1. Work Integrated Learning Descriptors - definitions and typology;
  2. Host Organisation: Expression of Interest - criteria for initial assessment of Host Organisation viability (for third-party providers and organisations younger than 10 years);
  3. Host Organisation: Questionnaire - criteria to assess suitability of Host Organisation following establishment of viability;
  4. Standard Agreements for placements – UQ approved agreements for work integrated learning placements.

Related legislation and policies

(56) Related legislation and policies include:

  1. Aged Care Act 1997
  2. Education (Work Experience) Act 1996 (Qld)
  3. Fair Work Act 2009
  4. Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Policy.