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- Safe Procurement and Acquisition of Plant and Equipment GuidelineGuideline providing advice on the safe procurement and acquisition of plant at UQ.
- Safe Procurement and Acquisition of Plant and Equipment ProcedureProcedure outlining UQ's requirements for the safe procurement and acquisition of plant.
- Safe Use of Pallet Racking GuidelineThese guidelines apply to all UQ Workers that procure, install, inspect, maintain and/or use pallet racking. They outline the minimum requirements for the procurement, design, installation, inspection, use and maintenance of pallet racking at the University of Queensland.
- Safe Use Of Plant and Equipment ProcedureProcedure outlining UQ's requirements for working safely with plant.
- Safety Data Sheets GuidelineGuideline providing information and guidance UQ workers on how to prepare safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals.
- Salary Loadings and Performance Payments PolicyPolicy outlining the principles and key requirements which underpin the salary loadings and performance payments provided by UQ to staff.
- Salary Loadings and Performance Payments ProcedureProcedure outlining the process that applies to staff resigning from UQ.
- Scholarships and Prizes GuidelineGuideline outlining the scholarship fund codes of UQ's Chart of Accounts.
- Scholarships and Prizes ProcedureProcedure supporting the financial management of scholarships to ensure that scholarships and prize income and expenditure is identified and recorded appropriately within UQ’s financial management system.
- Screening and Blue Card Management ProcedureProcedure supporting UQ's Working with Children Policy.
- Secondary Employment and Internal Work ProcedureProcedure detailing UQ’s requirements for secondary employment and internal work.
- Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment ProcedureProcedure outlining the assessment of requirements for respiratory protective equipment at UQ.
- Senate and Academic Board Elections PolicyPolicy setting out the framework for the conduct of the Senate elections and the Academic Board elections at UQ.
- Senate Remuneration PolicyPolicy providing information and guidance on the remuneration of Senate members.
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response for Staff ProcedureProcedure outlining UQ's processes and activities to promote and foster an environment for staff that is safe, respectful and free from all forms of sexual misconduct.
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response for Students ProcedureProcedure outlining UQ's processes and activities to promote and foster an environment for students that is safe, respectful and free from all forms of sexual misconduct.
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response PolicyPolicy outlining the principles and key requirements governing UQ’s approach to preventing, addressing and responding to sexual misconduct.
- Shorter Form Credentials Admission, Enrolment, Fees and Assessment ProcedureProcedure setting out the requirements for the management of shorter form credentials at UQ.
- Shorter Form Credentials PolicyPolicy setting out the principles and requirements that inform the structure and design of shorter form credentials offered at UQ.
- Smoke-free UQ PolicyPolicy outlining the key requirements and principles of a smoke free university environment.
- Snorkelling GuidelineGuideline providing information about UQ's requirements for snorkelling and breath-hold diving being undertaken by workers and undergraduate students.
- Snorkelling ProcedureProcedure outlining UQ's requirements for undertaking snorkelling and breath-hold diving by workers and undergraduate students at UQ.
- Software Acquisition and Use ProcedureProcedure outlining the requirements for acquiring and using software at UQ.
- Special Studies Program PolicyPolicy describing the purpose of the Special Studies Program and the general criteria for approving a proposed program.
- Special Studies Program ProcedureProcedure describing the benefits, conditions, application process and reporting that apply to Special Studies Programs.
- Staff Assistance Services PolicyPolicy outlining the internal and external services available to staff to help resolve work performance and staff social function problems.
- Staff Assistance Services ProcedureProcedure supporting the Staff Assistance Services Policy.
- Staff Code of Conduct GuidelineThe objective of this guideline is to support the understanding of the Staff Code of Conduct by providing practical day to day examples of behaviour that is encouraged and required when staff are performing their duties.
- Staff Code of Conduct PolicyPolicy articulating UQ's values and expected standards of conduct for staff and contractors.
- Staff Development GuidelineGuideline supporting the Staff Development Policy.
- Staff Development PolicyPolicy setting out the UQ’s commitment to the development of its staff, the broad range of development activities available, the responsibilities of the parties involved and the funding arrangements for staff development activities.
- Staff Grievance Resolution PolicyPolicy outlining the provisions available to staff, in their capacity as staff of UQ to resolve any grievance expeditiously.
- Staff Grievance Resolution ProcedureProcedure supporting the Staff Grievance Resolution Policy.
- Staff Movement PolicyPolicy applying to all UQ staff responsible for organising and negotiating staff movement opportunities.
- Staff Movement ProcedureProcedure describing the options and associated approval processes at UQ for staff movement.
- Storage and Handling of Gas Cylinders GuidelineGuideline presenting information available about gas cylinder safety applicable to the UQ work environment.
- Storage of Chemicals in Fridges, Freezers and Cold Rooms GuidelineGuideline providing information about the safe storage of chemicals in refrigerated conditions at UQ.
- Student Code of Conduct PolicyPolicy outlining the standards of behaviour expected of UQ students and conduct that is prohibited (misconduct).
- Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching ProcedureProcedure outlining the processes and responsibilities for the conduct of surveys involving UQ students.
- Student Fees PolicyPolicy outlining the administration of student fees in accordance with legislative obligations.
- Student Grievance Resolution GuidelineGuideline supplementing Student Grievance Resolution Policy and Student Grievance Resolution Procedures.
- Student Grievance Resolution PolicyPolicy outlining the expectations and responsibilities of UQ and its students when dealing with grievances or appeals.
- Student Grievance Resolution ProcedureProcedure facilitating the informal resolution of grievances and providing a framework for the complaints management system under which UQ will handle and respond to complaints.
- Student Identification Cards ProcedureProcedure applying to the issue and management of Student Identification Cards.
- Student Integrity and Misconduct GuidelineGuideline supporting UQ's Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and support the application of the Policy and Student Integrity and Misconduct Procedure.
- Student Integrity and Misconduct PolicyPolicy governing how allegations of misconduct against students at UQ are reported, investigated, heard and determined.
- Student Integrity and Misconduct ProcedureProcedure outlining how an allegation of misconduct will be dealt with by the Associate Director or an Integrity Officer, including without referring the matter to a misconduct proceeding.
- Student Refunds ProcedureProcedure supporting the Students Fees Policy.
- Student Survey GuidelineGuideline setting out the Student Survey Framework to ensure student surveys at UQ are consistently of a high standard.
- Study Assistance Scheme for Professional Staff PolicyPolicy setting out the assistance available to professional staff to improve their education and training and the conditions under which financial and other assistance may be granted.
- Study Assistance Scheme for Professional Staff ProcedureProcedure setting out the method for determining and claiming the assistance available to staff undertaking formal tertiary education.
- Substance Management Plan for Medicines and Poisons ProcedureProcedure outlining the approach to managing risks associated with UQ workers, students and others performing regulated activities with scheduled substances (medicines, poisons and therapeutic goods).
- Support for Students PolicyThis policy outlines the support provided to students to assist them to successfully complete the courses and programs in which they are enrolled. The policy is a requirement of the Higher Education Support Act (2003).
- Supporting Students' Fitness to Study GuidelineThis Guideline is intended to provide a sample of concerns that may give rise to a fitness to study matter and how matters may be categorised.
- Supporting Students' Fitness to Study PolicyThis Policy is a structured framework designed to encourage a coordinated and responsive educational environment by focusing on early intervention, remediation and support for students.
- Supporting Students' Fitness to Study ProcedureThis Procedure enacts the Supporting Students’ Fitness to Study Policy and outlines the process for managing fitness to study concerns.
- Systemic Issue Guideline(Expired)Guideline facilitating better identification, consistent assessment and reporting on issues at UQ that are genuinely systemic and therefore would require management’s prompt attention and action.